
提供コース Japanese Language Courses

こうとうきょういくすいしんこうこくさいきょういくけんきゅうでは、4つのほんコースをていきょうしています。ぶんにあったコースをえらんで、ほんコースじゅこうもうみフォームからつづきをしてください。 なお、はじめてほっかいどうだいがくほんコースをじゅこうするがくせいかならずプレースメントテストをけてください。(ほんしょしゅうしゃけいぞくせいはテストをけなくていです。)

Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, International Education and Research Division offers four Japanese courses as outlined below. Please see the information below and apply online HERE. All students who take General Japanese courses in Hokkaido University for the first time must take a placement test. (Students who have never studied Japanese before and continuing students do not have to take a placement test.)

(1) いっぱんほんコースGeneral Japanese Course


Open to students from any of the following:
-Modern Japanese Studies Program (MJSP)
-Japanese Language and Culture Studies Program
-Hokkaido University Short-Term Exchange Program (HUSTEP)
-Special auditors
-Graduate students, research students, special research students, overseas
teaching and research staff, and office workers who work in Hokkaido University.
※Auditors, credited auditors and Bachelor’s degree program students cannot apply
 for the course.

(2) ほんけんしゅうコースIntensive Japanese Course for Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship Students


Enrollment eligibility:
This course is for embassy-recommended Japanese Government Scholarship Students at the graduate level and in teacher training programs.
*Additional students will not be accepted.

(3) ぜんがくきょういくもくほんかんするもくJapanese Language Subjects for Bachelor’s Degree Program Students


Enrollment eligibility: Bachelor’s degree program students enrolled at Hokkaido University.

(4) インテグレイテッドサイエンスプログラムのほんもくJapanese Language and Japanese Affairs Subjects for
Integrated Science Program


Integrated Science Program Students Only

授業時間 Class times

1げん 08:45-10:15   2げん 10:30-12:00   3げん 13:00-14:30
4げん 14:45-16:15   5げん 16:30-18:00

Period 1 08:45-10:15   Period 2 10:30-12:00   Period 3 13:00-14:30
Period 4 14:45-16:15   Period 5 16:30-18:00

教室 Classrooms


Classes will be taught in the Student Communication Station (Kita 15, Nishi 8). Classrooms will be announced at the beginning of the semester.